Electric Flame Scallops

The Best Tank Mates for Electric Flame Scallops

Creating a harmonious and thriving marine tank environment requires a deep understanding of the unique needs of each species and the ecosystem as a whole. The Electric Flame Scallop, scientifically known as Ctenoides ales, is a stunning addition to any marine aquarium with its vibrant red mantle and captivating bioluminescent display. 

However, keeping Electric Flame Scallops healthy and happy in a tank setting demands careful consideration of their tank mates and the overall environment.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the best tank mates for Electric Flame Scallops, discuss their specific care requirements, and provide practical tips for maintaining a balanced and thriving marine aquarium. Let’s dive into the details of creating an ideal environment for these fascinating creatures and their compatible companions.

Understanding Electric Flame Scallops

Physical Characteristics

  • Appearance: The Electric Flame Scallop is known for its striking red-orange mantle adorned with small, bright white or blue filaments. These filaments produce the scallop’s characteristic flickering bioluminescent display, which resembles an electric current.
  • Size: Typically, Electric Flame Scallops grow to about 3 to 4 inches (7.5 to 10 cm) in length.

Natural Habitat

  • Location: These scallops are found in the Indo-Pacific region, particularly in the coral reefs of Indonesia, the Philippines, and the Great Barrier Reef in Australia.
  • Environment: They inhabit crevices and overhangs in coral reefs, where they are protected from strong currents and predators.

Behavior and Feeding

  • Bioluminescence: The scallop’s bioluminescence is used as a defense mechanism to deter predators. The flickering effect is caused by the rapid movement of their mantle filaments.
  • Filter Feeding: Electric Flame Scallops are filter feeders, drawing in water to consume plankton, small organisms, and organic particles. They rely on a constant water flow for feeding, making water movement crucial in their care.

Care Requirements

  • Difficulty Level: Moderate to strenuous. They are not recommended for beginners due to their specific needs and sensitivity to water conditions.
  • Lifespan: With proper care, Electric Flame Scallops can live 1-3 years in captivity, although their lifespan in the wild may be longer.
  • Water Parameters:
    • Temperature: 72-78°F (22-26°C)
    • pH: 8.1-8.4
    • Specific Gravity: 1.023-1.025
    • Ammonia, Nitrite: 0 ppm
    • Nitrate: <10 ppm
Electric Flame Scallops

Ideal Tank Mates for Electric Flame Scallops

When choosing tank mates for Electric Flame Scallops, selecting peaceful, non-aggressive species with similar environmental needs is essential. Here are some of the best options:

1. Peaceful Fish

a. Gobies

  • Types: Neon Gobies (Elacatinus oceanops), Clown Gobies (Gobiodon spp.), and Watchman Gobies (Cryptocentrus spp.).
  • Why They’re Compatible: Gobies are small, peaceful fish often occupying different tank areas, such as sandy bottoms or rock surfaces. They are unlikely to compete with scallops for food or territory.
  • Care Notes: Gobies prefer a sandy substrate and live rock for hiding. They thrive in tanks with plenty of crevices and caves.

b. Cardinalfish

  • Types: Pajama Cardinals (Sphaeramia nematoptera) and Banggai Cardinals (Pterapogon kauderni).
  • Why They’re Compatible: Cardinalfish are peaceful, slow-moving fish that prefer the middle to upper water column. They coexist well with scallops and do not disturb them.
  • Care Notes: Cardinalfish do well in small groups and require stable water conditions. They are also nocturnal, which means they are more active at night.

2. Invertebrates

a. Cleaner Shrimp

  • Types: Scarlet Skunk Cleaner Shrimp (Lysmata amboinensis) and Peppermint Shrimp (Lysmata wurdemanni).
  • Why They’re Compatible: Cleaner shrimp are beneficial for tank health as they consume detritus and parasites. They are non-aggressive and do not interfere with the scallops.
  • Care Notes: Provide plenty of hiding spots and ensure stable water conditions. Cleaner shrimp are known for their symbiotic relationships with fish, cleaning them of parasites.

b. Snails

  • Types: Nassarius Snails (Nassarius spp.), Cowrie shells, and Turbo Snails (Turbo spp.).
  • Why They’re Compatible: Snails are excellent at controlling algae and detritus without bothering the scallops, helping maintain a clean tank environment.
  • Care Notes: Snails should be fed a varied diet, including algae, and supplemented with seaweed or specialized snail food.

3. Corals and Anemones

a. Soft Corals

  • Types: Zoanthids, Mushrooms, and Leather Corals.
  • Why They’re Compatible: Soft corals do not have aggressive tentacles and are unlikely to irritate the scallops. They add visual interest and diversity to the tank.
  • Care Notes: Ensure appropriate lighting and water flow for each coral type. Soft corals are generally easier to care for than hard corals.

b. Anemones

  • Types: Bubble Tip Anemones (Entacmaea quadricolor).
  • Why They’re Compatible: Anemones can coexist if positioned strategically to prevent contact with scallops. They contribute to the tank’s dynamic environment.
  • Care Notes: Anemones require strong lighting and stable water conditions. They should be placed away from scallops to avoid stinging.

4. Other Compatible Species

a. Feather Duster Worms

  • Why They’re Compatible: Feather Duster Worms are filter feeders like scallops and coexist peacefully. They add a unique visual element to the tank.
  • Care Notes: Provide moderate water flow to ensure proper feeding and avoid placing them in high-traffic areas.

b. Brittle Stars

  • Why They’re Compatible: Brittle Stars are scavengers that help clean up detritus. They are generally peaceful and do not compete with scallops for food.
  • Care Notes: Ensure plenty of hiding spots and maintain stable water conditions.
Electric Flame Scallops

Tank Setup and Maintenance

Creating a suitable environment for Electric Flame Scallops and their tank mates requires careful planning and maintenance. Here are some key considerations:

1. Tank Size

  • A minimum tank size of 30 gallons is recommended for housing Electric Flame Scallops and their companions. Larger tanks provide more stability and space for diverse species.

2. Water Quality

  • Filtration: Use a high-quality filtration system to maintain pristine water conditions. Consider a protein skimmer to help remove organic waste and maintain water clarity.
  • Flow: Provide moderate to strong water flow to support the scallops’ filter-feeding habits. Use powerheads or wavemakers to create consistent water movement.

3. Feeding

  • Scallops: Supplement their diet with phytoplankton or specialized filter feeder foods. Feed 2-3 times weekly to ensure adequate nutrition.
  • Tank Mates: Provide a varied diet according to each species’ needs, ensuring no competition with the scallops.

4. Lighting

  • Moderate lighting is sufficient for Electric Flame Scallops. Ensure the lighting is suitable for any corals or anemones present in the tank.

5. Hiding Spots

  • Use live rock formations to create caves and crevices, providing scallops and shy tank mates with plenty of hiding spots. Ensure the aquascape is stable and secure.

6. Regular Maintenance

  • Perform regular water changes (10-20% bi-weekly) to maintain water quality and stability.
  • Test water parameters regularly to ensure they remain within the optimal range.
  • Clean filters and equipment to prevent debris buildup and maintain efficient operation.

Pro Tips for a Successful Aquarium

  • Research: Always research new tank mates thoroughly to ensure compatibility with Electric Flame Scallops. Consider their behavior, size, and environmental needs.
  • Quarantine: Quarantine new arrivals for at least two weeks to prevent introducing diseases or parasites to the tank.
  • Monitoring: Regularly observe the tank dynamics, noting any signs of aggression or stress among inhabitants. Adjust the environment as needed.
  • Water Testing: Regularly test water parameters to maintain stability and promptly address fluctuations. Invest in quality test kits for accuracy.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

  1. Overstocking the Tank: Crowding the tank can lead to poor water quality and stress among inhabitants. Ensure you have enough space for all species.
  2. Incompatible Tank Mates: Avoid aggressive or territorial fish, such as large angelfish, triggerfish, or puffers, that may harass the scallops.
  3. Neglecting Water Changes: Consistent water changes are crucial for maintaining a healthy tank environment.
  4. Ignoring Feeding Needs: Ensure that all tank inhabitants receive adequate nutrition, particularly the filter-feeding scallops.
  5. Improper Placement of Corals: Keep aggressive corals with long tentacles away from scallops to prevent damage.

Experience the Wonders of the Ocean at Boca Aquarium

Electric Flame Scallops are a captivating addition to any marine aquarium, offering a stunning visual display and unique behavior. You can create a harmonious environment where these beautiful creatures thrive by selecting compatible tank mates and maintaining optimal tank conditions. 

If you’ve found the world of Electric Flame Scallops and their ideal tank mates fascinating, why not see these stunning creatures up close? Visit the Boca Aquarium at Diamonds by Raymond Lee, where you can explore vibrant marine displays and discover the secrets of successful aquarium setups. 

Our exhibits feature a captivating array of marine life, including the mesmerizing Electric Flame Scallops, offering inspiration for your aquatic endeavors. 

Plan your visit today and let the ocean’s wonders spark your imagination. Connect with us now to learn more about our exhibits and start your aquatic adventure!